Netaudio Festival 09, Maria Berlin

“Be Shareful” – Cologne Commons in Summer ’10

Adjust yourself to “sharing” – because Cologne Commons will rise again for a second time! In summer 2010 there will be again a conference and festival for free cultural goods. Yes – you can trust your eyes – the second Cologne Commons is not only about beautiful music. Instead is is about cultural goods in general. The “creative commons” did not focus on any specific art form or cultural expression. This is the reason for the 2010 claim of Cologne Commons:

?be shareful?!

skippyjon_CC_2010_be_sharefulFoto:  CC (by)

Aside live music, the genres movies/ films and literature will get their place within Cologne’s only event for free cultural goods: Cologne Commons take part from 11-12. June 2010 @ KunstWerk and Gebäude9. It will again give dozens of artists a platform which they need to give away their creative outputs for free. Filmshows, concerts, readings, workshops and discussions about the handling of free accessible cultural goods without frontiers are wainting to get “copied, used and spread around”.

Cologne Commons is looking forward to your visit in June 2010!

There’s a newsletter in German language (so far…) – it keeps you up to date!

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